Three Commitments You Can Make Right Now to Empower Yourself and Others


Today’s working women have a unique opportunity to guide and support one another. At our Ladies who Launch event a few weeks ago, I asked the audience to commit to asking themselves the following questions:

  1. What opportunity are you committing to creating for yourself right now?

  2. When can you create more opportunity for the women in your life?

  3. How can you share your story more?

I realized very early in my career that only me, myself, and I would create opportunities in my career. Right out of college, I landed a job as a press secretary on Capitol Hill for a prominent member of Congress. While the job was difficult, and I had to live two hours outside of DC and nanny at night to make ends meet, I enjoyed the challenge. But then, my boss, a much older and seasoned Communications Director, decided to quit. I was left with what felt like no choice but to step into his role while the search began for his replacement.

A few months into the search, I realized that not only was I doing his job, I was good at it, and I enjoyed it. I remember tearful calls with my parents about how I didn’t understand why my Chief of Staff didn’t see how I could do this job. I was hoping that they would just hand me the opportunity after seeing how much work was doing.

I realized that until I asked, I wasn’t going to get the promotion. I wrote a multi-page memo about my vision for the role, scheduled time with my boss, handed him the document and said, “I can do this job.” He replied with, “I’ve known that for a long time, I’ve just been waiting to see if you wanted it.” At that moment, I became the youngest Communications Director on the Hill.

  1. Only YOU will create opportunities for yourself. What opportunity can you create for yourself in your career path?

I try my hardest to employ Amy Poehler’s advice of recognizing, “good for her, not for me.” I think there are constantly women in our life who we can help. Is there a coworker who is struggling that you can buoy up? Do you have a friend who could use help finding a new job or an introduction to someone you know? Does one of your best friends need a text just telling her how amazing she is at her job?

Women must start creating opportunity for other women. When can you create more opportunity for the women in your life?

At the end of last year, I was feeling really defeated; in my job, with the political landscape, and with the #metoo movement. I felt like the battle we face as working women wasn’t worth it. But, I remembered that my mom still recalls the first day she could wear pants to school, and my grandmothers were the first generation of women in their families born with the right to vote. I realized that we’ve come too far, in a relatively short time, to feel defeated now.

There is so much power in women sharing their stories. How can you share your career path and experiences in a way that will empower and uplift others?

Empower yourself, and other women, and share YOUR story. By doing these things, we will create opportunities for ourselves and others that we can’t even imagine.


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