What is CBD?


As with all origin stories, varying viewpoints tend to emerge on the web. In it, the tale of CBD's nearly a decade into mainstream popularity has left winners and losers in its wake.  Utah has played a role in the unfolding of this CBD saga. 

Shortly after CNN's, Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Weed documentary aired, view here, an Epilepsy nonprofit spearheaded by some dedicated mother's based out of Utah county approached Republican Rep. Gage Froerer and Senator Steve Urquhart. They asked for these legislators' help in creating a compassionate access program; in 2013, this was a radical idea. 

Mormon moms wanted to give their medically fragile children weed.  Yup, a head-turning headline, as you would imagine. These brave families shared their daily struggles with very conservative legislators. Through a long session in 2014 and many amendments later, Charlee's Law passed. Utah was the first state in the country to pass CBD only legislation to allow caregivers to procure CBD oil in legal states and give it to a patient. While it had some flaws and legality issues, it was a win for social acceptance. The needle moved and pushed a boom of other CBD legislation across the country. 

As of this publication's date, 47 states have some form of cannabis legislation, and CBD is legal in all 50 states.  Even with such vast access and acceptance, many people still have questions about what CBD is and how to use it.  

"CBD is a molecule, not a miracle. Many people could benefit significantly from legal access to a wide range of cannabis remedies, not just low-THC or no-THC products. CBD alone may not always do the trick. There is compelling evidence that CBD works best in combination with THC and the full spectrum of other cannabis components.

Figuring out how to optimize one's therapeutic use of cannabis is the driving force behind the great laboratory experiment in democracy known as medical marijuana that's been unfolding state-by-state and country-by-country in recent years." 

Read this excellent article by our friends at The CBD Project.



Cocktail Hour Dos: Conversation


Utah DABS Commission Meeting Report - June