Psychedelic Booklist

Psychedelics are moving mainstream. More and more people are curious, wondering if psychedelics are an answer to the problems, traumas, and issues they face. They experts of the world have put their knowledge into great books. Seeking science-based theories? Want to heal from trauma? Interested in history? Desire hands-on participation? Or wanting to settle into a magical narrative? This list has something for everyone. Here are some of the top psychedelic books to get you started.

’How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence’ by Michael Pollan. This book has become an important publication that is changing minds one person at a time. This work reexamines the studies of 1950s and systematically walks through the linear timeline, bringing the reader into the studies, knowledge and breakthroughs happening today.

‘A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life’ by Ayelet Waldman. Exploring the micro dosing space as an alternative to prescribed pharmaceuticals, this book offers hope to people fighting depression. The author walks through her personal experience backing it with solid research.

And, after reading this book, if you are ready to take the plunge into micro dosing, pick up Microdosing Guide and Journal: A Complete Step-By-Step Microdose Guide to Safely Source, Track & Customize Your Medicinal Mushroom Journey by Jaden Rae. This workbook is a mix of information on the how’s, why’s and who’s allowing you to track your consumption and they way it impacts you.

'LSD, My Problem Child’ by Albert Hofmann, PhD. Hoffman is the chemist to synthesized LSD. He shares his firsthand account of the mind altering powers of this hallucinogen and his decades long journey studying this substance and other pant medicines. He discusses studies, talks about his travels, and generously shares his connections in the space.

‘Animals and Psychedelics: The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness’ by Giorgio Samorini. Humans aren’t the only species that seeks out mind altering substances. Ants, goats, elephants, and birds are some of the members of the animal kingdom that systematically consume psychoactive substances. The author theorizes this drive is shared by animals of all shapes and sizes and that the consumption of psychedelics contribute to the evolutions of these species.

The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name’ by Brian C. Muraresku. Twelve years in the making, this book examines the early world religions' texts, stories, myths and archeology seeking to determine if the earliest religious zealots were influenced by psychedelics. Muraresku brings us into the modern day, exploring the science behind the studies at John’s Hopkins and the spiritual language being used by participants in the study.

‘Consciousness Medicineby Françoise Bourzat with Kristina Hunter. Many psychedelic consumers are seeking healing. The author argues that these substances are more powerful when taken within a traditional shamanic ceremony. Moving through a holistic model of preparation, journey and integration, the participant can expect safety and curing.

The Body Keeps the Score’ by Bessel van der Kolk, MD. Science and narrative are combined in this book to show details examples of trauma based problems and solutions. Based on decades of experience, research and clinical practice, the author shows that trauma affects each our lives. With the help of plant medicine and hard work we can healed.

‘Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear’ by Dr. Carl L. Hart. The war on drugs was feuded by racism. And our current drug laws continue to favor the rich and the white, while punishing the poor and the brown. Often the consequences for being caught with drugs with be more damaging and severe than the drug use itself.

The Wild Kindness: A Psilocybin Odyssey’ by Bett Williams. The author recounts her lifelong love affair with psilocybin mushrooms. This memoir recounts a long, strange, beautiful trip from starry desert nights to an important connection with a medicine woman. This book is full of queer tones, inclusivity and mystical magic.

Grab a volume or two and dive in. This world is exploding with possibilities, information, and fun. Come be a part of it.


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