Why You Should Take Your Dieta Seriously


Participants in sacred hallucinogenic ceremonies are typically looking to make a shift in their life. Many feel that something just seems to be missing. And many have reported receiving life-changing perspective shifts in these ceremonies. But if you plan to sit in ceremony, it’s of the utmost importance to show these beautiful processes the respect they deserve. It all starts in the preparation 1-2 weeks beforehand with your dieta.

What is a dieta?

Dieta is a Spanish word meaning ‘diet’. A dieta is a traditional protocol that helps you align to the vibration of the teacher plants you plan to partake. They help prepare your body and mind for visionary journeys.

There are different levels to dietas. For the novice, this will include abstaining from certain substances and foods that essentially ‘numb’ you out or desensitize you because of their potency. For an ayahuasca journey, this may include avoiding stimulants like caffeine, processed foods, alcohol, cannabis, spicy foods, and refined sugars. Behaviorally, you may also be asked to limit screen time and take time to be in nature and journal. This also includes avoiding all sexual activity.

For the advanced journeyer, or those learning to serve these teacher plants, the dieta tends to be more strenuous. Isolation plays a big role in these kinds of dietas. Sitting in silence allows you to bring to the surface deeply rooted fears and patterns that need to be given attention. The foods that are partaken tend to be bland and repeated daily. These may include plantains, rice, chicken, and oatmeal.

Where does the dieta come from?

The dieta comes from the practices of those who have served these plants for hundreds of years. Shamans and medicine men and women have co-created these traditions and passed them down generationally through their deep connection to these plants and the higher spirits they work with.

A dieta does not always have to be connected to a visionary plant. They can be used to connect to a plant that you feel deeply aligned with. In the Amazon, there are 1,000s of plants that are used medicinally that many have sat in dieta to connect with.

A dieta helps you connect to these plants in a number of ways. They help to purify the physical body of toxins and impurities. And traditionally it is said that the dieta will allow for spiritual healing to take place more easily.

What happens if I don’t follow the dieta?

There are substances, such as certain medications, where it would make it unsafe to participate in a ceremony with it in your system. If you are unable to follow the protocol, talk to those facilitating your experience. They will most likely refer you to speak with your doctor for guidance.

If you are feeling called to sit with these beautiful teacher plants, it is important to find a safe place where your health and well-being are a top priority.



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