Managing Burnout: Cannabis


Burnout is a term that has become part of the cultural zeitgeist over the past decade. 

There are a few levels of burnout, with the most extreme being chronic burnout syndrome. 

Generally, burnout is defined as a reaction to prolonged and chronic stress. Many of us may have experienced or are still experiencing burnout from the pandemic. The biggest source of burnout for people in the United States is work. 

Burnout is a natural reaction in our bodies to being too stressed, too busy and not getting enough brain rest, which seems like a logical thing to be happening to folks in a capitalist society where productivity is valued above all else. 

Symptoms of burnout include concentration issues, depressed mood, feeling worthless, stomach problems, headaches and more.

But, how do we learn to manage burnout? Cannabis is one way. 

Whether you suffer from chronic burnout syndrome or can feel yourself slipping into some zone of burnout, cannabis could offer help. 

Before we get into the recent studies on the subject, let me explain one of the ways cannabis can help right away. 

One thing therapists tell patients to combat burnout is to set aside time every day for “me time”. A time you look forward to and can forget about the rest of the world. Partaking in cannabis can serve as this time to relax and unwind, similar to making a drink and enjoying it quietly. 


Whichever modality you choose doesn’t matter. You could set aside time to smoke a joint or enjoy an edible, no matter what you are showing yourself that your relaxation matters. 

Cannabis To Manage Burnout Symptoms

It’s well documented that cannabis can be beneficial for those with depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, so it’s natural to assume cannabis can help the anxiety caused by burnout and chronic stress. 

Severe burnout can also cause insomnia, and it is well documented that cannabis has major success in treating sleeplessness.

I’d like to share a quote from you that summed up how cannabis can be used to help those suffering from burnout. It’s from Jill Grindle who works in a dispensary specializing in helping with burnout. 

“When you’re fighting stresses that you can’t escape, taking care of your body is the only thing you can control. And cannabis is a great fit for those issues—the pain, stress, and sleep deprivation. The right cannabis can make all the difference in the world.”

I love her point about the “right cannabis” because it is so important to find a strain that works for you, which could take some trial and error but those who work at dispensaries are typically trained in the functions of the strains they offer. 

And lastly, cannabis can also help with burnout because it can offer our minds (and bodies) a chance to turn off and tune out of the rigors and stress of the world. 

If you’re struggling with burnout, you should also consider finding a therapist to offer alternative coping mechanisms. 



Trying Psychedelics


Cannabis Research Review Board Meeting – September