Finding The Psychedelic Space: Ice Bath


Sometimes finding the headspace a lot of us consider to be more “psychedelic” is simply finding some way to exit the hamster wheel that our thoughts sometimes become. To step out of racing thoughts and to-do lists to really FEEL what is going on inside of yourself both physically and mentally is a powerful tool for healing. 

An ice bath is one method of pushing yourself off the wheel and into your body. Athletes have used ice baths for a long time to help with muscle soreness and recovery, but the mental benefits of an ice bath are starting to showcase themselves. 

 Ice baths can be taken in a regular bathtub, just fill it with cold water and a bucket of ice. But you could also take a dip in a cold lake or river. I have spent a few hours of my time watching folks who live in Antarctica or very far north jumping into holes in the ice. It’s quite fascinating and really makes me want to try it out.

This trend has caught on in Europe, which is where most of the research is currently being done. Studies from Great Britain are starting to show the positive promises of cold water ocean swims.


You’ve probably heard of some of the physical benefits of ice baths or cold water swims, like increased metabolism, muscle recovery and an immune system boost. But, the science world now understands how connected the physical and mental health of our bodies is.

Cold water baths and swims offer mental benefits like the relief of anxiety and depression, heightened mood and increased confidence. But, how? You may ask.

There are a few reasons ice baths can be so effective at improving your mental state, the first being endorphins. The increase in adrenaline from the shock of the cold water helps your body release endorphins, the chemicals known for that euphoric feeling after a good workout. And we know, euphoria is one of the feelings associated with psychedelics.

Similar to a body scan meditation or yoga, doing an activity like an ice bath helps you get out of your head, because it’s hard to think about anything other than the sensations your body is feeling. And having it happen so fast, like a cold water plunge is described by ice bathers as a hard reset. 

While we are still waiting on results from those larger studies in Britain, many people online are singing the praises of ice baths for mental and physical wellness. 

Being outside of your hamster wheel mind is the first step to entering a more psychedelic or calm space. If you are looking for that type of experience it might be worth filling your bathtub with ice water and taking a plunge. 



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